Friday, April 16, 2010


Bang to my topic later on XD

haha 1st of all today me and AiLin went for a so called "date" haha we went for movie which is Beauty on Duty. Serious it just laugh our butt off man haha
Later on we just for a normal walk gosh we kinda shop till we drop LOL!!! hingga need to pinjam duit from each other

Hope, yeah... basically I wish and we wish to go for diet planning LOL!!! and my hope here means... hope it will success LOL!!!

I wan to go slim @@.....

This is just because my relatives and my fellow friends all of those people are just freakingly goodlooking it just caught my attention and makes me jealous tho LOL haha... Say no to food Say Yes to Sexy LOL!

Hopefully I will not be "hangat-hangat tahi ayam" XD Let's do it babeh!

- Hope -

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